A big “thank you” to everyone who has contributed in any way, shape or form to the education summit in Alexandria June 5-6. The venue is set with a myriad of great speakers, special guests and fun networking opportunities amongst the beautiful lakes and woods in the Alexandria area.
One of our speakers is Dan McElroy, President and CEO, Hospitality Minnesota. Ready for his next chapter of life, retirement in July, Dan has been instrumental in adding quality to various aspects of tourism in Minnesota. And wow, what a track record. In his career, Dan has owned businesses, served on Burnsville’s City Council, was Mayor of Burnsville, served in legislature, was a key leader in the Governor Tim Pawlenty administration to and of course Hospitality MN. This will be the last time Dan will have a chance to speak to our group before retirement. We appreciate everything Dan has done for tourism and certainly appreciate him spending some time with us in Alexandria. All the best to you Dan McElroy.
If you are not registered for the summit in Alexandria, there is still an opportunity for last minute registrations. We have great attendance and welcome you if you are able to make it.
I am happy to report MACVB is making wonderful progress on our strategic initiatives and are in good standing. Our mission is committed to advocating and advancing Minnesota’s destination marketing industry. This starts with understanding where we are as an organization and where we want to be. Through a strategic session with our board of directors and Dowell Management, we determined our top strategic objectives are:
-Provide bold and thoughtful advocacy on public policy initiatives
-Build a robust portfolio of MACVB products and services that advances the destination marketing industry
-Elevate MACVB’s recognition and position in Minnesota’s destination marketing industry.
-To grow the association through financial management and board leadership.
With a dedicated, talented board and great support from Dowell Management, we are on our way.
Thank you to everyone who supports our organization through annual and event sponsorships, sharing your knowledge through speaking opportunities and understanding the importance and value of MACVB. We know who you are and very much appreciate it.
Have a wonderful June.
-Joe Henry, 2018 Board Chair
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