Let’s Be Real…
I don’t know about you, but as I age, I appreciate authenticity. Another way to say it maybe is being real. As professionals, and quite frankly, as human beings, everyone has that “social mask”. You know the one, “How are you doing?” “I am doing well.” In many cases, that isn’t necessarily the case but due to societal norms combined with our environment and who we are speaking with, it’s the way it is.
Having that authenticity in many cases requires trust. Building trust in someone takes time. One of the many aspect of MACVB I so appreciate is building relationships with really good people in the tourism industry. I notice as the years fly by, consistently being involved nurtures valuable relationships. Again, trust takes time.
What does being involved in MACVB look like? It can be as simple as attending and allowing your team to attend the two main events each year, the Education Summit and Annual Meeting. These events are valuable in many regards and just showing up has benefit.
A bit more involved might be serving on a committee. Just jumping on a conference call once in a while and sometimes helping out with a task or two serves us as professionals. As the saying goes, when you give your time to something good, that good comes back in multiples.
Being involved builds strong relationships allowing authenticity to happen. The opportunity to “be real” with someone is valuable and opens doors not opened anywhere else. Think about the topics discussed with a trusted colleague that otherwise wouldn’t happen. How good are you guys at goal setting? What do your board meetings look like? How much strategic planning do you do each year? Do you have board retreats? Have you done work with this vendor? What does your marketing mix look like? And the list goes on.
Conversations and topics like these typically wouldn’t come up in a general audience and are a result of building relationships, or networking. It is valuable to compare what you are doing within your organization compared to what trusted colleagues are doing. Not everything fits and in many cases it’s, take the best, leave the rest. Valuable stuff nonetheless.
MACVB is on the rise. There is a ton of positive energy and a great strategic plan that is being implemented. As I approach my last month as Chair and pass the reins on to my wonderful and talented colleague, Stephanie Busiahn, I am very humbled and appreciative. I am humbled my peers believed in me to chair this wonderful group. I am so appreciative of the experience. Let’s be real! Thank you.
-Joe Henry, 2018 Board Chair
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