MACVB Guiding Principles for Public Policy Decision Making


The MACVB Board of Directors has adopted the following principals and guidelines to determine support or opposition on legislation or proposals.  Staff and consultants need to be able to respond rapidly to legislation as it is being developed or introduced.


The following principles have been adopted by the MACVB Board of Directors to provide guidance for staff, lobbyists and members/volunteers:

  • Mission – Does the legislation have substantial impact on the tourism industry, making a significant contribution toward improving tourism industry?  Is it consistent with MACVB’s efforts on key priority issues, strategic plan and mission?

  • Statewide significance versus local benefit – Does the legislation have an impact upon the collective membership of MACVB and our coalition partners?  Will a proposal focused locally undermine our statewide policy?
  • Coalition partners’ positions and relationships – The long-term success of our organization is dependent upon our relationships with other, like-minded organizations.  Does the legislation have impact on our coalition partners, e.g., Minnesota Tourism Growth Council, Hospitality Minnesota, Explore Minnesota, etc.?  Do they support the legislation?  Who will (potentially) oppose our position?
  • Merit-based funding or direct appropriation – Does the legislation provide an equal opportunity for all members to pursue the funding? Is the funding a direct appropriation from the Minnesota Legislature?  If we oppose a direct appropriation, what relationships may be impacted?
  • Potential for funding diversion – MACVB supports additional funding to Explore Minnesota Tourism and the Community Events Grant Program.  Does the legislation create and fund new entities?  Does the legislation divert funding from existing entities? Does the legislation create new funding sources? 
  • Uniform statewide regulations, taxation and compliance – MACVB supports all legislation that creates a level playing-field on issues related to taxation, compliance and regulation.  Does the legislation exempt or exclude any special interest groups or parties?
  • Pathway — Is there member commitment based on feedback received by members? Is it within the charge of MACVB or is there another group or partner better aligned to handle it?  Does MACVB give another group/partner the right to use our name?  Will we actively lobby and/or use our resources and/or members in support of the legislation?



The MACVB Board of Directors may consider adopting an official policy position on an issue. 

  • The Board of Directors shall assign the issue to the Public Policy Committee Chair, staff and/or lobbyist or form a temporary task force to research and provide facts regarding the policy.
  • The committee chair, staff and/or lobbyist will conduct the necessary research, collect the facts, list pros and cons and make a recommendation to the Public Policy Committee.
  • The Public Policy Committee will support, modify or reject the recommendation based on the decision making guidelines.  If approved, the recommendation is forwarded on to the Board of Directors.
  • The Board of Directors approves, modifies or rejects the recommendation.  If it is approved, the recommendation is adopted as an official policy position.

The Board of Directors has final authority on adoption of policy.  A policy approved by MACVB’s Board of Directors gives the sponsor (if any) the right to use the organization’s name under circumstances specified by the Board.  It may or may not commit MACVB to actively lobby and/or use its resources, members or network in support of this initiative.


Policy Process

  • An issue is identified, or a request made to MACVB to develop a policy or endorse a project
  • The Board of Directors shall assign the issue to the Public Policy Committee and/or lobbyist or form a temporary task force to research and provide facts regarding the policy.
  • The committee (or a task force) and lobbyist will conduct the necessary research, collect the facts, list pros and cons and make a recommendation to the Public Policy Committee.
  • The Public Policy Committee will support, modify or reject the recommendation.  If approved, the recommendation is forwarded on to the Board of Directors.
  • The Board of Directors approves, modifies or rejects the recommendation.  If it is approved, the recommendation is adopted as policy.


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